Aboriginal Athletes in Geelong Score Grants Gold

05 September 2024

The Allan Labor Government is backing the next generation of Aboriginal athletes in the Geelong community to reach new heights with a fresh round of sporting grants delivered to clubs across the state.

Parliamentary Secretary for First Peoples and Member for Geelong, Christine Couzens,  Member for Lara, Ella George, and Member for Bellarine, Alison Marchant today announced grant recipients in the Geelong community from the latest round of the Aboriginal Sport Participation Grant Program – with clubs and groups sharing in more than $100,000 to support athletes.

Wathaurong Aboriginal Community in Geelong will be receiving $4,322 to host a Statewide Senior Football/Netball Carnival. This is in addition to $9,000 they received as part of the Aboriginal Sport Participation Grants earlier this year.

The program delivers grants of up to $1,000 for team uniforms and sport equipment, as well as up to $2,500 for travel costs so clubs can participate in both Victorian and national tournaments.

Individuals can also access up to $250 to purchase sporting uniforms and equipment, and up to $750 for their own travel costs.

The Aboriginal Sport Participation Grant Program reflects the Labor Government’s strong support for the Victorian Aboriginal community and is bolstered by the work underway on a new Victorian Aboriginal Sporting Partnership that’s building stronger connections in the community sport sector.

Since 2020, the Aboriginal Sport Participation Grant Program has provided 457 grants to community sport clubs and individuals in Victoria’s Indigenous communities.                       

For more information about the program and the latest successful recipients visit sport.vic.gov.au/funding/aboriginal-sport-participation-grant-program.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for First Peoples and Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

“I'm excited to see how these grants will help support First Nation People in providing the necessary supports for accessing the needs for attending sporting carnivals, providing uniforms or equipment. This is a great opportunity to be able to participate in upcoming sporting opportunities."

Quotes attributable to Member for Lara Ella George

These grants are a massive boost for Aboriginal athletes and clubs across Geelong, helping them have access to the transport and equipment to play and compete in the sports they love.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant

“Sport plays a vital role in bringing communities together, and it is great to see this program provide funding to local Aboriginal sporting clubs and athletes to extend their resources and assist with travel costs.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence

“The next generation of First Nations athletes are set to do their clubs and communities proud, and we are backing them to succeed with this game changing program.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Treaty and First Peoples Natalie Hutchins

“It’s fantastic to see even more Aboriginal athletes get their chance to follow in the footsteps of First Nations champions and reach their potential in the sport they love.”